Nothing better. Two hits in two hours.
Well. I HAD a mole, or two, that buried every trap I set, no matter how many times I tried, what traps I used, nothing was working for me. Being a cheap person, I didn't want to fork over the hundred and some dollars, but I will say it was worth every penny. My only qualm would be that I didn't see a body. But the other thing I haven't seen is ANY NEW HOLES/MOUNDS. It's been exactly a month since I purchased, I put it in the ground the night I received it. It went off once, so I stuck it in another hole, went off again, buried the holes. NO activity ever since. I would recommend this to anybody with a mole hill, or two, or 23 in my case. Love love love the simplicity, it feels very well built, solid, the kit it comes with is very nice. I'm very disappointed I only got to use it for the one day. I'm eagerly awaiting the next family of moles to move in. I've got a welcome gift for them.