MOLECAT creator, Vern Reitenbaugh, did extensive research on how to kill moles. Back in 2000 he found himself with a BIG mole problem and said to himself "There must be a better way to kill moles." Vern, a technical engineer by trade, proceeded to create MOLECAT - the most effective device for killing moles that you will find.
Background from MOLECAT Inventor Vernon J. Reitenbaugh, Sr.
Project: Turn a weed-infested acre into a garden paradise for my new bride, Cheryl.
In 2000 I started a three-year project in my yard. Being a Machinist/Engineer, I had no idea how to develop 1.3 acres of weeds any more than the man in the moon, but Cheryl had a plan. Earlier, we were married in the beautiful Portland Rose Garden. Cheryl’s first outburst was, “This is how I want the yard to look!” I about fell over, “Do you know how much work this would be?” She came back with “You can do it!”
What could I say? I was so in love with her I said “Okay.”
First dig March of 2001:
A Bobcat operator was hired to clear everyplace as planned. 74 trucks of dirt were brought in to create the garden. By the end of July the ground was prepared and shaped in the likeness of the Rose Garden.
Next I started tearing it up by placing trenches for underground sprinklers. What a mess! The well was hired out and dug while I set all 76 sprinklers (Reitenbaugh overkill) and an underground fence made of chicken wire was set to keep the moles and gophers from burrowing into the yard from the neighboring field. We hydro-seeded the lawn with fescue grass in November 2001 and by next summer we had planted 300 arborvitae surrounding the entire yard.
First big mistake:
I put down 4″ of mulch over the top of the underground fence around the property line and here came the moles right over the top! It was like a red welcome carpet for them. So I purchased two spring-loaded mole traps for $20 each and 8 mole holes later, I broke down and read the instructions. I was instructed to dig an even larger hole to set the two spring loaded traps in the mole tunnels (you had to have 2 for best results).
Next several days – still no results. The instructions said move the traps to another fresh hole. And so I moved them again, finally I got one.
Disaster in the yard:
I looked at the holes I dug to set the wire traps and they looked worse than the mole hills that were made by the rodent. After finally catching the mole, I proudly showed my wife and then discarded it back to the neighbor’s field (where it came from). To my dismay, replacing the displaced grass to re-grow over the site, took months for the scar in the turf to grow over and even then it still never looked the same. Standing in the yard with mole in the trap and surveying the destruction the moles did and what I did to trap them, I said, “There must be a better mole trap built in 2006!”
MOLECAT is the 21st Century answer to a centuries-old problem.
It is my hope you will find MOLECAT the solution to your mole problems too.